Which Home Alone Movie Macaulay Culkin Liked Working On The Best


Which Home Alone Movie Macaulay Culkin Liked Working On The Best

At this point, the Home Alone franchise is a series of films that needs no introduction. It catapulted Macaulay Culkin (already a seasoned movie actor at the time) to childhood stardom and became instant must-watch Christmas viewing for many families. With two Home Alone movies under his belt, it raises the question of which one Macaulay Culkin enjoyed working on more. To answer that, the actor recently took part in a Reddit AMA session and admitted that he enjoyed the first Home Alone because it was an unknown process, there was less travel involved, and there was also considerably less Donald Trump in the cast. Culkin wrote:

The first one was more fun because we didn't know what we were walking into and it was a lot less flying all over the place; it was all in Chicago. Also it had 100% less Trump.

In true sequel fashion, Home Alone 2: Lost in New York amped up the scale of the story to have Kevin McAllister lost in the East Coast metropolis. By comparison, the first film was smaller (taking place in a small Illinois suburb), and it seems that Macaulay Culkin enjoyed not having to travel as much. Beyond that, he was far more inexperienced when he made the first film, so he didn't quite know what to expect from the process.

Of course, we also need to address the cameo by Donald Trump, which is one of the most famous sequences in all of Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. Many fans of the movie can instantly point it out as one of the most memorable, but according to Macaulay Culkin's Reddit AMA session, he hates it.

It seems that Macaulay Culkin isn't particularly fond of that moment. Nevertheless, it's still one of the most iconic scenes in the entire film -- and it has experienced a notable resurgence in the wake of his presidential election.

In recent years, Macaulay Culkin (typically a very private person) has opened up and embraced his iconography as Kevin McAllister in a big way. Between reprising the role of Kevin in darkly-comedic short films, to getting in on the action in wrestling matches that incorporate Home Alone traps into the chaos, it really seems like the 37-year-old actor enjoys looking back on those years.

Both of the Home Alone movies have secured their places in the annals of movie history, but we will just have to wait and see which upcoming films could potentially fight for their spot as Christmas classics. To keep a closer eye on all of this year's biggest releases, make sure to hop over to Cinemablend's 2018 movie premiere guide.

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