How Much Disney Apparently Made In Profit Off Star Wars: The Last Jedi


How Much Disney Apparently Made In Profit Off Star Wars: The Last Jedi

The Star Wars franchise has returned in a major way, with three successful installments reasserting the series' dominance since its revival in 2015. Rian Johnson's Star Wars: The Last Jedi is the latest film to continue the franchise from the galaxy far, far away, and it looks like it has handily turned into a major earner for the folks at Disney. In fact, with The Last Jedi's initial run now at an end and its home release finally upon us, it looks like the film has apparently earned a reasonably hefty profit for the studio, totaling over $400 million.

The numbers have reportedly started to come together as Star Wars: The Last Jedi has concluded its theatrical run, and it looks like things may have shaken out very well for Disney. All told, the film apparently made roughly $415.5 million in total profits from its $1.3 billion worldwide gross. Admittedly, this is slightly less that than the $780.1 million profit for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but the total number remains an incredibly impressive milestone that puts The Last Jedi above pretty much any other blockbuster from 2017, per Deadline .

It's hardly surprising to learn that Star Wars: The Last Jedi seems to have proven as successful as it has become. Following the history-making release of The Force Awakens, the stage was set for Rian Johnson to take the franchise in a new direction. Audiences all over the world wanted to know what Luke Skywalker would say when he finally got a chance to speak in the new trilogy, and the promise of payoff for many of Episode VII's lingering questions likely helped play a key role in the push to get audiences to theaters.

The reported news shines a light on the strength of Disney's recent business decisions and the financial power that the entertainment giant has at its back in Hollywood right now. The entire Star Wars franchise continues to serve as a massive cash cow, with the Marvel Cinematic Universe similarly delivering substantial box office numbers (looking at you, Black Panther) with its recent installments. Now, with Avengers: Infinity War next on deck for Disney, one has to assume that things may only improve from here.

Of course, if you're one of the people who missed Star Wars: The Last Jedi's theatrical run (or if you want to watch it again) then make sure to catch it on Digital HD, Blu-ray, and 4K -- all of which are now available for purchase. From here, the Star Wars saga will continue later this year when Ron Howard's Solo: A Star Wars Story debuts in theaters on May 25, and the current trilogy will conclude next year when J.J. Abrams' Star Wars: Episode IX premieres on December 20.

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