Benedict Wong Says Doctor Strange Sequel May Start Filming Next Year


Benedict Wong Says Doctor Strange Sequel May Start Filming Next Year

In the wake of Avengers: Endgame cleaning house in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, theres a lot of speculation as to which heroes well see returning in Marvel Studios fourth phase of MCU releases. So naturally, when thinking of who the best candidates are, its natural to gravitate towards those who already have strong origins, but havent gotten too many times at bat.

And it looks like we just might be getting our next appointment with the Sorcerer Supreme of New York City in Phase 4, as Benedict Wong had the following update to give on the progress of Doctor Strange 2:

I know theyve now got a writer on board who I met at the Endgame premiere. So I think that may be happening sometime next year.

Playing Dr. Stephen Stranges fellow sorcerer, also going by the name of Wong, the actor would probably be pretty high up on the totem pole for Doctor Strange 2 info-- outside of Benedict Cumberbatch himself. That is especially true, considering Wong also appeared in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. So it would seem that Benedict Wong would have an inside track of recent information to provide. And considering whats been previously reported, it looks like the Doctor Strange sequel is right on track.

With director Scott Derricksons return to helm Doctor Strange 2 being announced last December, there was an expectation that a new writer would be hired to work on the script during this year, with next spring being the projected start of production. Should Benedict Wongs remarks obtained by LRM during this years Denver Pop Culture Con pan out, it would be totally in line with what weve come to expect.

Though what remains to be seen is if Doctor Strange co-writer C. Robert Cargills previous remarks about said sequel still apply to further drafts. It wasnt too long ago that Cargill was speaking about how Nightmare would be the next main villain that Strange would be squaring off against. But as anyone knows, with new writers come new responsibilities.

Either way, Benedict Wongs remarks about Doctor Strange 2 signify yet another tease to lead fans down the road of anticipation for another jump into the world of parallel dimensions and powers beyond the naked eye. And as we havent heard any reports of Mr. Wong being escorted to Marvels legal team for immediate debriefing, I'll also assume that this information was allowed to be unleashed upon the world.

Theres no confirmed production or release dates for Doctor Strange 2, but as soon as those details are known, that knowledge will be included in our Upcoming Marvel Movies guide for Phase 4 and beyond. However, if youre looking for a little magic at the movies in the near future, open a window and jump to our 2019 Release Schedule to see what looks good.

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