Whats Happening With Tintin 2, According To Steven Spielberg


Whats Happening With Tintin 2, According To Steven Spielberg

It has been a little over six years since Steven Spielberg's The Adventures of Tintin debuted in theaters, and there's a vocal segment of the film's fan base that wants to see the young reporter return to the big screen. We haven't heard much about the sequel lately, but Spielberg recently addressed its status to reassure fans that he still intends to hand the franchise off to Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson for the next installment in a planned trilogy. Opening up while promoting the release of his new film, Ready Player One, Spielberg explained:

Peter Jackson has to do the second part. Normally, if all goes well, he will soon start working on the script. As it takes two years of animation work on the film, for you, I would not expect to see it for about three years. But Peter will stick to it. Tintin is not dead!

So, if you are a fan of The Adventures of Tintin, it sounds like you should start getting excited. Even though we don't have much information to work with at this stage, Steven Spielberg has every intention of letting Peter Jackson (who became busy with The Hobbit films after the release of the first Tintin) take the reins on a sequel that could debut within the next three years, which will accommodate the amount of time that it will take to animate the project.

Of course, as intriguing as Steven Spielberg's comments to Premiere about this sequel are, it's also worth remembering the fact that nothing has officially received confirmation just yet. Spielberg seems confident that we will eventually get the first sequel to The Adventures of Tintin within the range of three years, but no actual release date has been locked into place just yet. With that said, Steven Spielberg has a fair amount of weight that he can throw around Hollywood to get the ball rolling, so we will have to wait and see how things shake out when all is said and done.

The Adventures of Tintin proved itself as a commendable success when it debuted back in late 2011. The film earned a global box office haul of $374 million, and it currently sits with a 74% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It starred Fantastic Four's Jamie Bell as the titular reporter who goes on an adventure with his loyal dog, Snowy, to uncover a lost treasure -- which, given Spielberg's success with movies like Raiders of the Lost Ark, arguably seems like a perfect recipe for success worth replicating.

CinemaBlend will bring you more up-to-date information about the long-awaited sequel to The Adventures of Tintin as new details related to the project are made available. For now, make sure to catch Steven Spielberg's latest work when Ready Player One premieres in theaters on March 29!

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