Is Thanos Stronger Than Hulk In Avengers: Infinity War? Heres What The Russos Say


Is Thanos Stronger Than Hulk In Avengers: Infinity War? Heres What The Russos Say

If Thanos obtains all six Infinity Stones in Avengers: Infinity War, he'll be able to wipe out half the universe with a snap of his fingers. But even without any of these multi-colored, powerful rocks, Thanos is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. When it comes to brute strength, there are few who could match him, but one would imagine that The Hulk, the strongest being from Earth, could hold his own against the Mad Titan, right? Maybe, but judging by what Infinity War directors Joe and Anthony Russo said when describing Thanos, it sounds like the villain would ultimately emerge triumphant from such a brawl. As Joe Russo explained:

I mean it's like death comes to call for the Avengers. This is a nearly unbeatable force who is determined to destroy half the life in the universe to bring it to balance. He sees it as an overgrown garden that he needs to prune. As you mentioned, he is fairly invincible He's a sort of genetic mutation who's the Genghis Khan of the universe. He's unbeatable on the battlefield, stronger than the Hulk, skin in invincible. So it's going to cost the Avengers something to defeat him.

While longtime Marvel fans have known for a while that Thanos wants the Infinity Stones so he can change reality as he sees fit, as far as the alien societies within the MCU are concerned, Thanos is best known as a warlord, going from planet to planet to wipe out out half of its inhabitants. One can't do that without being incredibly powerful. Hulk is obviously no pushover either, but as the Russos laid it out to HeyUGuys, if the Green Goliath and the Mad Titan crossed paths on the battlefield, the latter would be the victor. Plus, let's not forget that on top of his strength, Thanos is also a smart cookie. Even though Thor: Ragnarok gave us a Hulk who was more mentally developed compared to the earlier movies, he still came across as childish. So if necessary, Thanos could outthink his opponent to work his way to victory.

Thanos and Hulk have clashed several times in the comics, but it remains to be seen if the two will actually come to blows during Avengers: Infinity War. Of course, in addition to his natural abilities, Thanos (with the help of his minions, particularly The Black Order), will collect multiple Infinity Stones in the movie, so Hulk will be at even more of a disadvantage. That being said, since Thor: Ragnarok, Infinity War and Avengers 4 comprise a special trilogy for Hulk, don't expect him to be one of Infinity War's casualties... well, not a permanent one, anyway.

Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on April 27, so stay tuned to CinemaBlend for more news about the movie in these final weeks. For now, you can see what else will be arriving on the big screen later this year by browsing through our 2018 release schedule.

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