Meet Jurassic World's Indoraptor, The New Dinosaur Who Will Haunt Your Dreams


Meet Jurassic World's Indoraptor, The New Dinosaur Who Will Haunt Your Dreams

In Jurassic World, there was an idea. That idea was to create dinosaurs that were bigger, with more teeth, and a healthy dose of shock and awe. The Indominous Rex was the epitome of such behavior in 2015's box office sensation, but its sequel, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, has just given us a creature that rivals the I-Rex in design and abilities. Prepare yourself for the dawn of the Indoraptor!

As we've learned in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom's latest trailer, the Indoraptor is the latest hybrid dinosaur from the nightmare factory known as Dr. Henry Wu's labs. And part of that horrific success comes from an apparent betrayal by the mysterious character played by Rafe Spall, which presumably allows Blue, everyone's favorite Velociraptor from Jurassic World, to be part of this horrible creature's DNA. Come to think of it, a quote from Jurassic World's baddie Vic Hoskins pretty much describes this dinosaur to a tee:

Imagine. [The Indominous Rex], a fraction of the size - deadly, intelligent, able to hide from the most advanced military technology. A living weapon unlike anything we've ever seen.

This would explain the creature's "Indo" prefix, with the Raptor being the genetic foundation for the creature's eventual form. As we see in the Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom footage, that's an apt description, as the creature is a nicely sized middle ground between an I-Rex and Velociraptor. It's small enough to run around inside of a house, but big enough that it'd have problems with narrow staircases. A rough scope of its size can be seen below.

Also, if you watch the footage carefully, you'll notice that an Indoraptor can run/walk on all fours if needed, which undoubtedly assists it in running at high speeds without worry of losing balance. Don't let that fool you though, as you can see Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom has been leaning heavily on a moment where the Indoraptor uses its quite lengthy, and taloned, arms to reach out towards one of the younger cast members in the film. And it doesn't look like it's going to shake hands or fist bump the girl in its sights, either.

However, there's two features on this beast that are the scariest of all of its lab-created gifts. One is the fact that the Indoraptor is such a tough mother that it can take several rounds of what sound like high caliber weaponry, at close range, and still look pissed off. The second ability harkens back to a particularly scary moment from Jurassic Park, as Raptors apparently have the ability to open doors in their genetic memory. Something that the Indoraptor shows off in spades, as it executes a home invasion. As you'll see below, this is an image of the Indoraptor after taking those high caliber rounds, and getting up like a champ.

There's undoubtedly more information that we're not party to yet, and we'll just have to wait and see what the press campaign for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom doles out before the film's release. What we have seen though is cause for alarm, as the Indoraptor is the next step in the evolution of what the Indominous Rex stood for. Dinosaur proliferation is on the rise, and with Jurassic World 3 already being planned and plotted, one has to wonder just what will they think of next -- and what will it take to stop it? Think of that, as you revisit the adrenaline packed trailer for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom terrorizes humans and smaller prey creatures all over on June 22. But if you're looking for some excitement before then, consult our 2018 Release Schedule, for all of your creature and non-creature feature needs.

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