Mission: Impossible Fallout Screened On A Cliff And It Was Madness


Mission: Impossible Fallout Screened On A Cliff And It Was Madness

The following contains minor spoilers for Mission: Impossible - Fallout.

Mission: impossible - Fallout had an impressive opening weekend and is poised for another strong showing this weekend. However, no sold out showing holds a candle to one particular screening. Tom Cruise recently shared an image of a Fallout screening that took place at the top of the same cliff where the film's finale action sequence ended, and it was insane.

Tom Cruise calls it the most impossible screening of Mission: Impossible - Fallout and I'm inclined to agree. To be willing to hike for four hours to get to a movie screening you've really got to want it. It's one thing if a small handful of people decided it was worthwhile to do that. However, 2,000 people apparently decided they wanted to attend this event. That's a lot of people to make the hike together. At least everybody had plenty of people to talk to while they passed the time on the way up.

The fact that this picture has to be taken from such a high vantage point in order to get everybody in the frame says so much. There's actually a lot of people down there, it seems like far more than will ever actually be able to watch the movie comfortably. Hopefully, some people just enjoyed being on site since they'll probably need to buy a ticket at a regular theater if they actually want to be able to watch and adequately follow the movie.

The final action sequence in the new Mission: Impossible film begins with Tom Cruise on board a helicopter, but it ends atop a cliff after the chopper has crashed. While the sequence in Mission: Impossible - Fallout is supposed to take place in Kashmir, the location is actually Preikestolen, or Pulpit Rock, in Norway. The film just opened at the box office in the Scandinavian nation, making this the perfect time for a special screening on location.

Of course, considering all the practical stunt work that is done in Mission: Impossible - Fallout, watching the movie from the top of a cliff really feels almost required. It seems like if you're not risking bodily injury or death as much as the people who made the film, you're doing something wrong. There do appear to be some people standing, or possibly sitting, right on the edge of the cliff who would seem to agree.

This was certainly a once in a lifetime experience so it's not all that shocking that so many people took advantage of it. Hopefully they enjoyed the film, and hopefully, the four-hour hike back down the mountain was well lit or the trip home may have been an even bigger stunt than the trip up.

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