Watch Spider-Man Kick Thanos In The Face In New Avengers: Infinity War Footage
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is on the edge of precipice. While Black Panther is still making a ton of money at the box office, the shared universe as we know it will come to an explosive head when Thanos arrives in Avengers: Infinity War. Fans and cinephiles alike are eager to see all of the MCU's heroes unite in an epic battle against the Destroyer of Worlds, and the stakes have never felt higher. While information about Infinity War has been limited, TV spots have helped to satiate the eagerness of the fans with new clips and footage. A new international TV spot did just that, showing Tom Holland's Spider-Man landing a kick to the face with the big villain. Check it out below.
For a teenage kid from Queens, Peter Parker can sure kick some ass. Or in this case, kick some purple face.
From the very first trailer for Avengers: Infinity War hit theaters, it became clear that Spider-Man was going to be on the front lines of Thanos' invasion. We see as his spider-sense is activated, and he looks on in horror as Thanos' giant circular ship is revealed hovering over New York City. Rather than sit back and wait for it all to play out, it appears that Peter is going to don his Spider-Man and/or Iron Spider suit to jump right into battle. Let's just hope that he makes it all out in one piece.
Since he debuted in Captain America: Civil War, Tom Holland's Spider-Man has quickly become one of the most popular characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Holland plays Peter and Spidey with more youth and naivety than the previous two versions, giving him a sense of quirky realness. And the actors' athletic and gymnastic ability also allows for Peter to kick outside of the costume, and without as much CGI and stunt doubles.
Thanos' proper arrival into the MCU (following a brief role in Guardians of the Galaxy and a cameo in Age of Ultron) has the potential for grave consequences within the shared universe. It certainly seems like Thanos is going to bring destruction, and with so many of the MCU's lead actors coming to the end of their contract, many of our favorite heroes are in danger of dying. In fact, one of the only characters who seems safe is Spider-Man, as his second solo movie will be the first addition to the next phase of films, and will reportedly pick up just moments after Avengers 4 ends.
You can check the new Infinity War international TV spot below (via Comic Book), with Spidey kicking Thanos at around 0:22.
All will be revealed when Avengers: Infinity War arrives in theaters in April 27th. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.
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